lexii and I up to this point in our trip with only a few days left have had NO
problems what so ever with anyone trying to steal things or cause us harm or
anything…. After many family members and friends telling us all these awful
stories and telling us to be careful we were very happy we could go home and
say we had no issues.
NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So let
me explain in a briefly manner…..
We were at
the beaches of Barcelona around 11:30pm…. Late you may say but actually the
beaches were covered in groups of people spread through-out the beach…all
drinking and just chilling having a good time.
We had bought wine, sangria, sprite, cheese, and bread and were just
enjoying the nice weather at night.
Along with all the people hanging out, behind us there was some kind of
festival going on because there were tons of people dancing and singing and
fireworks going off in the streets.
All of
a sudden a guy walked up to me and said “do you want any beer or weed” (now
this happens often and they normally just walk away and move on)… I say no dude
we don’t need any of that can’t you see we already got stuff. He continues to push for the sale of weed and
what not. This guy is on my left and while this is happening Lexii (on my
right) looks towards her purse and notices it’s GONE!!!! She turns around and sees a guy walking away,
she gets up and runs and says “hey you stop.”
Meanwhile I’m in a brief shock of what is happening and look at my guy
on left and hold my back…I saw naa don’t want any dude, he leaves and walks
away… Meanwhile Lexii (now roughly 30
yards behind me) is talking to the guy and says “hey give me my purse back!”….the
guy gives the purse back….she notices the purse is unzip. She then says “now my wallet.” The guy gives the wallet back and walks away…
Lexii walks back to me and we are like “let’s pack up and leave”…. Briefly overwhelmed in the moment and still
trying to understand what just happened we pack up and leave. The adrenaline and stress still flowing
through our veins we drink some more “homemade” sangria to calm the nerves haha.

We took
the metro and make it back to the hotel and well I’m now writing this…. Almost 1:30am
now. Long day and night but still
pretty wired from the situation… could have been far FAR worse. For all
the family and friends WE ARE SAFE!!!! Good night everyone! Tomorrow we are taking
trains over to Madriddddddd.
EDIT: even though what happened tonight, we
had come to enjoy what Barca has to offer.
The nightlife seemed pretty cool…maybe it was because these celebrations
of some kind were going on but we had better food and enjoyed the beach….reminded
Lex of the beaches of Socal in a way.