Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Florence – Italy – 6-4-2014

                For the past few days we have been in Florence, Italy and that has been something really special. Our hotel is about 2 blocks away from the main center of town with all the big cathedrals and what not. Florence I think has my favorite building. This dome building cathedral I think it is.   I don’t know what about it but it just looks awesome and it’s HUGE.   At some angles it almost looks fake in a way.  I think I have seen this building in a video game or something where it has been digitally designed because it looks so familiar.
                We found this nice little restaurant right by our hotel and went there 2 nights in a row.  The waiter remembered us the 2nd nice and it was just an overall cool experience.  Real authentic feeling, many pictures of the meals is posted somewhere.
                We decided to buy some wine, cheese and meats and went to a local park to just hang out.  The park was pretty much just locals hanging out.  We were there for about an hour or more just eating and drinking wine. Out of nowhere it seemed like it was dog park time cause at any given time there was about 5-9 dogs just freely running in the park as their owners just chatted up in the shade.  Some of the dogs came by us and hung out for a few minutes.  It was a fun afternoon.  

                Next we are off to Rome!!

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