Thursday, May 29, 2014

Amsterdamn Days

The past few days of Amsterdamn blended together mainly because it rained the majority of the time.  Being in another country and experiencing the liveliness of what the city has to offer is one thing but being wet and cold the entire time takes a toll on you.  We didn’t let that stop us though from walking probably over 10+ miles, we didn’t take any local transportation at all while we stayed in Amsterdamn.   
Most of the time we were lost walking around and ultimately it led us to places that were pretty awesome to see such as seeing not one but two “I AMsterdamn” signs.  We made it vondalpark which was a huge huge park that had many water fountains and inner parks with soccer fields and clay tennis courts.  We stopped for a while and had coffee and watched some tennis players.  They suckedddddd, one guy broke his string and continued to play with it for the next 15 mins, it didn’t help his game let me tell you that.  It was nice to watch though since soon we will be watching hopefully higher quality tennis at the French Open.

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