Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 4 – Antwerp to Amsterdam

This morning was kinda brutal. We got up at 6:30 to catch an 8:30 train.  I went to bed at like 1:30, experiencing some jet lag I think.  Luckily for me Europeans like their coffee so I had a few espresso shots at breakfast haha. O ya and we made it to the train station an hour early ughhh. First time being on a high speed train and all the seats where facing the opposite direction we were traveling.  Wasn’t sure how that was going to be but actually the trains are fast yet quiet and smooth.
                Now we arrive in Rotterdam and were walking around in the train station realizing we fucked up somehow and bought train tickets to Rotterdam central and not Amsterdam central haha.  We head to ticket booth and get some awesome help from them, even showed us more about our eurorail global passes that we never knew. We almost bought tixs for 180euro total but she helped us and got tixs for 70euro total.   We were finally shown how our global passes are used correctly for all the free trains.
                So we got on another train that would be taking about an hour to get to Amsterdamn. Arrived in Amsterdam little before noon and well our check in wasn’t till 2pm.  We stored our luggage at the hotel and walked the town. 

Let me tell you Amsterdamn is ALIVE and awesome. Picture Diagon Alley from Harry Potter (the magic town).  Now instead of having magic shops and wand shops just replace those streets with Bars, sex shops, smokeshop, cafes and food places.  Also bikers are everywhere, seems like people ride bikes more than drive cars.  Pretty chaotic when walking down narrow streets, alm
ost have gotten hit many times already haha. 

We found a corner café and order some beers and fries.  The packets of ketchup are awesome, perfectly designed to squeeze on each fry haha.  Enjoyed people watching for about an hour and decided to walk the streets more.  Most of the shops remind me of streets of San Francisco and I mean by that most of the stores that look similar are basically selling the same stuff.  Standard tourist stuff and all that jazzzz.

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