Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 2 – Landing in Paris and exploring

                That flight was a long one just being over 11 hrs.  Let me tell you that damn valium did not help much.  I slept a total of about 4 hours on the flight.  The rest of the time I ended up watching the following movies; Cars, Caddy Shack, Cool Runnings, Oceans 12 and some tv show called “Americas Most Beautiful Backyards”.  Damn those backyards were amazing. 
                Made it through baggage claim and found my train to take me to Paris.  I have never seen more graffiti in my LIFE.  On either side of the train track path (cement walls and such) were covered entirely in paint.  Pretty awesome but at the same time totally sketch. I thought some parts of the Bay Area were bad, not even CLOSE!  
                Made it to the hotel after walking lost around in circles finding a damn taxi.  Found the room and knocked.  Lexii opens the door and it slowly hit me that I was finally here and was going to get to spend the next month with my girlfriend traveling the other side of the world.  We dropped everything and went out into the city.  It was a cloudy day but was a nice 70 degrees.  We did everything I wanted to do in Paris all in one day.  The love Lock Bridge, Notre Dom, Louve, Eiffel tower and anything in between that we walked by.  At one point it started pouring and so we found a little corner café and decided to eat and just watch the city be alive.  Incredible!  We ultimately made it to the Eiffel tower and walked all the way to top.  I must say that is was awesome view.  After we started walking to local metro station we saw that a beer type festival was going on.  A stage was set up as if it was a rave/event.  Music was general genres up beat.  Started watching some more and they dropped some electronic music, I automatically looked at Lexii and was like “look at that we at a rave.”  The sun was now setting and the tower was beginning to light up.  This is when I had my first experience with ordering food with someone who did not speak much English, success though, got some sausage hot dog that was spicy and has spicy mustard on it.

                It was now dark out and the tower was completely light up and was sparkling all over.  We found out that the every hour for 5 mins the tower would sparkle completely.  This is truly the moment when I looked at Lexi and said” It has now hit me that we are in another country and are traveling.” The view was no joke something you would only see in movies. Something I’ll never forget that’s for sure. Picture this… The tower sparkling completely and then you are surrounded by hundreds of people who are drinking and enjoying this beer/food festival and this was ONLY DAY 1 of exploring. 

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